My favourite film


My favourite movie is Shutter Island, which was directed by Martin Scorsese, who also directed another great and famous movie, The Departed. And he has also won an Oscar for this last film. Shutter Island is an action and fantasy film that I watched years ago and I have no doubt that I would see it again.  

Shutter Island is the story of Teddy Daniels, a U.S. federal police who is sent to an island with his partner Chuck Aule  in order to investigate the disappearance of a patient. Once there they noticed that something was wrong with the way doctors treat patients. Suddenly, they started to suffer from hallucinations. At this moment they began to ask themselves if these visions take part of reality or if they are caused by something they took.At this point of the film they try to escape from the island, but they have to overcome differents situations in which island’s guardians try to catch them.
Each scene of the film offers to the spectator exiciting moments and provides us new questions in order to solve the plot by ourshelves. Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo, main characters, give us several moments of tension and curiosity ; but some other characters whose name I can’t remember now are fantastic as well. For example, the one who impressed me the most was Teddy’s wife. She appears in order to bring more questions for us.

It’s also a film I would recommend to see a second time. In fact, it would be even better than the first one because it will help you to understand those pieces of the puzzle you didn’t get it. A film that will leave you breathless and that will leave you searching for answers.

I would definitely recommend this film to you. It is a complex story to see and if you are about to sleep it will keep you awake for sure while watching the beautiful effects and landscapes. I think you will enjoy the film and love it as much as I do.


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